Friday, January 9, 2015

New Years Resolutions

Okay so being honest here... The only reason I'm doing this is because Whaleton told me to do this so that we could start a 31 day blog challenge tomorrow because she is "too busy to start today."      -_-    
Suuuuuuuuuure. I TOTALLY believe that....
Anyway so you can look forward to a 31 day blog challenge because I know my blog is the one light in all of your dreary lives and you LIVE to read a new post. I hear your cries and I answer them. So (hopefully) starting tomorrow, you will get a new post EVERYDAY.

Soooooo....New Years Resolutions....
I hate them.
Mostly because its ridiculous to assume you are actually going to keep them and they all end up being stupid things that you want to change but really can't. But they are a good way to take a look at your life and see the flaws so I'm changing it a little. Instead of New Years Resolutions its going to be....

New Years problems-with-my-life-that-I-would-like-to-fix-but-lets-be-honest-here-none-of-them-are-actually-getting-done.
  1. Get my work done faster and more efficiently.
  2. Keep my room cleaner. (Its far cleaner than an average teenager, but I would love to get wooden floors because its easier to clean than a carpet.)
  3. Answer emails promptly.
  4. Re-do my room.
  5. Get a job.
  6. Get a LICENSE.
  7. Maybe get a fashion sense. My "fashion sense" is jeans and a graphic tee.
  8. Be more honest and open with people.
And thats about it. Of course there are things that I am going to get done this year, but I know that I'm going to get them done and I wouldn't file them under New Year Resolutions, because its just asking for failure.

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