Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Eulogy for Margot.

Whaleton asked me to write a eulogy for her (don't worry she isn't dying) and so here it is.
If you want to read Whaleton's eulogy for me (she wins the eulogy contest) Link here.

Hello, my name is Catherine. Margot Tucker was my cousin and best friend. And so I would like to say a few words.

Today we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Margaret Anne Tucker, more commonly known as Margot (don't forget the T.) Margot was cruel ripped away from us on the 22nd of January after she bravely stood up to an armed gunman in a holdup who was threatening a small child. There are so many things about her that I could talk about right now, her kindness, understanding, love, the way she could make anything funny whether a mixed up text or crazy grandmother, the way her smile lights up a room, the way she makes every guy fall heads over heels in love with her (whether she believes that or not), there are so many things that made Margot Tucker special. But the thing I'm going to talk about today is the way that she made everyone else feel special.

I believe that there are two kinds of people in this world: achievers, and believers. Achievers get things. They see what they want and they get it. They make plans, outline schedules and achieve everything they put their minds too. Achievers are the people on the stage, rocking out to the music they created. Margot Tucker was an achiever. She was incredible smart and always planned for the future. She was the strongest person I knew. She raised questions that no one would dare ask, and she went to lengths that no one bothered to reach. Margot Tucker was an achiever.

But she was also a believer. A believer is someone who is always by your side, through the good and the bad. They always believe in you and they always have your back. Believes are the people in the crowds cheering, appreciating and loving everything the achievers do. Margot Tucker was a believer. She stood by your side at all times. She was there for me when she didn't even know it, she was my light when she didn't know I was lost, and she is one of the reasons I'm standing here today.

Not many people can balance out achievership and believership, but she did. She reached for her goals and at the same time helped others reach for theirs. Margot Tucker was the kind of girl every guy wants to bring home to his mom. Margot Tucker was the kind of friend every girl wants for her BFF. Margot Tucker was the kind of daughter that every parent wants for their own. Margot Tucker is the kind of person that helps just by being.

She is and always will be my beautiful, strong willed and independent girl.
Love ya, miss ya.

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