Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine's Day

So Valentine's Day is around the corner (I actually don't remember when it is exactly, I should probably look that up....) Anyway, usually I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. Not because it's like Singles Awareness Day or something, but because of the whole premise of that day.

True or false statement?

"Valentine's Day is a day where you show the person you love that you love them by buying them chocolate and flowers and doing romantic things."

 I'll answer for you.

Which, when you think about, is stupid. If you love someone then you should show them everyday out of the year, not just on a designated day.

But that said, I get it.
Valentine's Day is a day were you show your love with a little something extra. A card. Flowers. I get it. Maybe I'm just a bitter single person.

But, on this topic, I have an announcement.

We have decided to send each other boxes of Valentine's stuff this year.
What did you say?
No it's not weird, Valentines don't have to be based on romantic love. This is the 21st century, we can do whatever we want.

So anyway I thought I'd talk a little about what makes Valentine's Day great and what makes it...not so great.

  1. CHOCOLATE. No more words are needed.
  2. The after Valentine's Day sales. CHEAP CHOCOLATE.
  3. Girls' Valentine's Day. I often bake cookies, go shopping and do other girly things with my girl friends around Valentine's day.
  4. Valentines. No matter what you say, getting a Valentine's Day card is awesome. It means that someone cares enough to make you a card (because homemade cards are the only ones that REALLY count) and that means they are awesome. And you should hug them. Even if you don't like hugs (like me.) Because they are awesome.
  5. Heart-Shaped Everything. Because it's cute.
  1. All the freaking couples making out. I get it, it's a romantic day. But please go to a private room BEFORE you try to eat each other's faces. 
  2. Every restaurant is packed. You want to go out with your girl friends? Forget about it.
  3. PINK, PINK EVERYWHERE. Pink is an okay color as it is, but when you have it all over everything it gets old
  4. No one knows what Valentine's Day really means. LOOK IT UP PEOPLE 
And just because Whaleton is bugging me to do this....
Chocolate. That's it really. Reese's and Kit Kats are great, but just chocolate. Chocolate is life.

So over all Valentine's Day can be awesome, but usually isn't. The chocolate saves it though.



  1. Girl I feel it with the valentine's day crap. Even when I have a valentine, we always tend to get in fights around this holiday, I swear it's cursed. What I plan on doing this valentines day is a big Anti-Valentines day party thing. That way I'm in a room full of the people I love, making fun of something :P But you're right, Valentines day has amazing sales with all the discount candy <3

  2. That sounds like so much fun! Someone should seriously start a petition to make Valentine's Day not just about romantic love, but platonic love as well.
