Thursday, February 12, 2015

My First Time Doing Random Things

So I was binge watching my new YouTube crush, danisnotonfire, and I came upon a video called My First Time. Now I had heard of the "My First Time" thing, essentially it's the first time you did random crap, so I decided to do it for my blog. (Mostly because I'm completely out of ideas on what to do and it's only 10:30 pm.)
So here it is.....

The First Time I...
(I got the list from Dan's video and some other videos I have seen.)
Was Kissed
It...hasn't happened yet.

Went on a Date.
So what exactly constitutes a date? What if you went out to dinner with a guy friend and he ended up insisting to pay for you and then when you walk out of the restaurant he held your hand and when he dropped you off he kissed your cheek? Would that count as a date? Yes, you say? Okay well that doesn't help me cause it's never happened to me. 

Actually Spoke REAL Words.
Can we all just agree that Mama and Dada DON'T COUNT. I mean as soon as we pop out of our mom's womb we are constantly being prodded to say Mama and Dada. CONSTANTLY. So disregarding Mama and Dada, my first word was "kitty cat" (I think, the story changes a lot.) And yes I know it's actually TWO words, but in my mind they are just one word. AND DON'T BELITTLE BABY ME. NOBODY PUTS BABY (ME) IN A CORNER.

Had a Crush.
Zack Dontrememberhislastname. He was the bad boy of the Christian Saturday Play Date Group. He was also blonde.
Nearly Died.
I got into a fight. I used to get in fights with Play Group kids every once and a while. I have a strong sense of justice and a thirst for violence. This jerk pulled a girl's hair and I didn't take that crap from anyone. So naturally I punched him. He pushed me down and my head missed this huge rock by like an inch. I don't remember what happened after that. I like to think I kicked his butt, but I have no way of knowing this.

Had a Memory I can still remember.
I've actually been think about this a lot lately and a lot of random memories have resurfaced. But maybe my earliest was from when I still lived in Boston with my parents in my grandparents attic. I used to come down every morning and have raisin cinnamon toast with my granddad while he read the paper. I remember my toast being really dry because I was only allowed a tiny amount of butter.

I Got an Album.
Noel by Josh Groban. It was a gift after I had finished a solo for church.

Used the Internet.
I was obsessed with Webkinz when I was little. I checked my account recently and it's going to become inactive due to the lack of new pets on Valentine's Day. A small part of me will die that day....

Got a Stuffed Animal.
Kitty, a brown beanie baby that I still have to this day.

Bought a Book.
First book I bought-Grimm's Fairy Tales, illustrated.
Had a Friend.
In all honestly it was Whaleton. We spent a lot of time together when we were babies because our parents lived closer to each other. After Whaleton, my sister Mary. We were all total drama queens, I don't know how our parents put up with us.


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