Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Modern Mary Poppins

Everyone has anxiety around the holidays. Especially Thanksgiving. I am no exception. This week my cousin and her boyfriend flew in along with my grandparents, Coco and Grandad. And its been an exhausting week. First Coco and I have had our usual fights, Julia bailed on a movie that I had been REALLY excited to see, my mum is stressing out over every little thing and on top of all that...I have a ton of homework this week. So yeah, I've been tired, anxious and I just want to stay in my room and binge watch Grey's Anatomy.

But in an effort to help my mom relax I suggested we go to Barnes and Noble (which is my happy place so it would help me too) So Grandad, mum, Mitta and I piled into the car and off we went! Upon arriving mum recognized an old friend of her's named Leeta, who is a bonafide Mary Poppins.

First she bought us all coffee and scones even though Mitta and I insisted that we could pay for ourselves. She then asked me questions about my siblings and what I want to do with my life and was just so generous and supportive of everything (something I don't really get from my family.)

Oh and she is Irish, but she grew up in England. So she was the most elegant british accent. And she carries an umbrella.
Okay that part isn't true, but she really is exactly like Mary Poppins. Its like she knew I was having a bad day and knew exactly what I needed to cheer me up: tea and scones.

She's magical, I'm telling you....

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