Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Five Minute Word Challenge: Sweaters and Daylight Savings

So today we (Whaleton and I) are doing not one, but TWO Five Minute Word Challenges!!

I love sweaters. Sweaters are awesome. I've been practically living in a sweater for the past three weeks. No joke. I spent like $15 on a big Baylor sweatshirt that has a hood and one of those handsy pocket-y thingys. I wear it ALL THE TIME. Its just so cozy in there. Its like my own little nest, or castle. My dad jokes that when I pull on the hood I look like a monk and thats how I feel. Isolated (in a good way), peaceful, and in tune with the world.
I also have not so great sweaters. For example, a few weeks ago my mom and I were at Target and I was searching through the clearance section, when I found a weird teal sweater with a little fawn on the front. Its was cute in a totally weird, grandma-y way. So I showed it to my mom, joking about how weird it was. AND SHE LOVED IT. Seriously. She loved it so much and thought it was so cute that she shelled out $12 for it. I do wear it (ITS A SWEATER. SWEATERS ARE AWESOME) and I admit that it does grow on you, but seriously Mom. IT HAS BAMBI ON THE FRONT. And its a weird huge-headed and huge eyed fawn. Its kinda creepy. But it is teal, which is one of my favorite colors, so there is that....
Another one of my favorite sweaters is a more like a jumper. And it looks EXACTLY like something John Watson would wear. So I wear that a lot....
So to summarize..... SWEATERS ARE AWESOME.
This sweater is like me as a person. I would totally wear this. My mom, on the other hand, would probably not appreciate the humor...

Daylight Savings
I have mixed feelings about Daylight Savings. I've grown up with it, so I know how it works and its does make sense in some weird way. But what I hate is the few days that come after the beginning or end of Daylight Savings. When you lose an hour, it sucks. It just does. ITS AN HOUR OF SLEEP. LOST FOREVER. Until you get it back again in the middle of Autumn. Which, I mean, FREE MAGICAL HOUR OF SLEEP (actually not so free. All magic comes with a price), but at the same time, the next day you have to stay up "later" even though its the same time you usually go to bed. Understand me? Probably not....
Its like this.
I stay up every night until 11:30-12:00.
When Daylight Savings ends, I think "Yay! Extra hour of sleep! And now its easier to get up in the morning." We all know that eventually the hour will sorta melt back into our lives and we won't notice the difference. but to get there we need to stick to our normal schedule. But because I am one hour off in my bodily alarm clock, staying up and waking up later totally messes me up.
I stay up to 12 like normal, but the next morning I'm really tired because my body think that I stayed up until 1am. 
You could say, "Why don't you just go to bed earlier, Kat? Why didn't you of that you stupid person?" 
Okay you probably wouldn't say that, but point still stands. Why not go to bed earlier? Because it throws me off. I go to bed earlier, I lose homework and fun time. I sleep longer, it makes me more cranky and eventually I should just get used to it right? Yeah well that takes forever to get to.

So yeah, that probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, (bear with me, I'm sleep deprived because of the above reasons.) But I hope you now understand why I'm not a fan of Daylight Savings.
Oh and I end up missing appointments because I'm too lazy to turn back the clocks. So that could be the root of my dislike of Daylight Savings.

Although this is definitely an upside to Daylight Savings

Peace out peeps,

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