Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blondes and Brunettes: A Tribute

Every brunette needs a blonde. Fact of life. I have my blonde, a wonderful, funny and classy person who goes by the name of Margot (WITH A "T") or Whaleton, and we see lots of other brunettes have their blondes. So today I have compiled a list of blondes and brunettes, whose relationships range from best friends to flatmates to couples.

First on my list is the two people I think of first when I think "blonde and brunette."
Veronica and Betty

Best friends and worst enemies, Betty and Veronica are the love interests of Archie Andrews and this often causes conflicts. But in the end, they are each others best friends and fully support each other.

Sherlock and John

Purely PLATONIC friends (I'm looking at you Johnlock shippers), Sherlock and John Watson have an impenetrable bond forged in fire. Get it? Because John was in a bonfire in S3 E1? Oh forget it.....

Ten and Rose
She's looking at the TARDIS, he's lovingly looking at her. Too beautiful.
Look at how he looks at her. There is so much love in there. I've always wanted someone to look at me like that. Its just beautiful. And its not just a romantic relationship, Ten was more open and relaxed with her than anyone else and she was the person the Moment chose to be when the Doctor needed the most help and the most love.

Gwen and Peter
I love this relationship because it really embodies what relationships are really like. It can be awkward at first, you don't always get along, sometimes you have to break up for a while, and it can be messy. But its worth it in the end. I think they have the most adorable relationship I have ever see.

Ed and Greg

OK, OK, so technically they are both bald so its impossible to know if they are actually a blonde and a brunette, but for the sake of the argument we will say that they are. Ed and Greg are part of the SPU or Strategic Police Unit. They rescue hostages and help people who are just good guys having a bad day. Ed and Greg always have each other's backs, in work and out of it.

There are tons more, but thats all I have time for today.
So the moral of this post is: if you are a brunette, you need a blonde in your life.

Peace out peeps,

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