Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Twenty Five of the Blog Challenge

Someone who fascinates you and why.

So I'm guessing no fictional characters... Because if thats the case I have a long list of fictional characters that "fascinate me." And by the way, that's kind weird. "Fascinates you." Sounds stalker-ish or serial killer-ish. Like, "That young woman fascinates me. I'm going abduct her and lock her in my basement." It sounds like Silence of the Lambs. Creepy.

Anyway. Someone who "fascinates me." I'm going to say...everybody. People in general "fascinate me." (I'm really just saying this for lack of a more interesting answer.) But seriously...people are fascinating. Each person is different. They each have their own hopes and dreams, memories of good and bad, tears and smiles, love and hate. Each life is an intricately designed web of moments, some good, some bad, and some amazing. Everyone goes through trials and tribulations to get their fairy tale ending and its too bad fairy tale endings rarely happen. Right now, there are millions, maybe even billions, of lives that are changing. A birth, a death, a proposal, anything. A life can change in an instant. A life can be touched by anyone around them. Everyone has a future, it maybe longer or shorter than someone else's future, but it's a future none the same. They have moments that are unlived, that might be filled with joy or sorrow, love or loneliness, fame or obscurity. So that's why people fascinate me: they are the only mystery worth solving.

A Girl Against the World.

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