Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Little Pony Review

I have a decent amount of friends who watch MLP and say its good, they're mostly girls, but there is one guy. I have always scoffed at the idea that a kid's show about singing ponies can be good. But after watching 20 minutes of Titanic, I decided that my brain had already been through so much that singing ponies wouldn't seem so bad. So I watched an episode. Now my little siblings love this show and last semester it was usually blaring on the TV everyday. So I absorbed a good amount of information about it. For example, the purple pony, Twilight, is voiced by the same actress as Mary Jane in Ultimate Spider Man. And the white pony, Rarity, has some serious ego issues. Pinkie Pie is on drugs, Apple Jack's brother, Big Mac, is also smoking weed and I'm pretty sure that Rainbow Dash uses performance enhancing drugs as well.

So anyway I watched an episode about Pinkie Pie and her older sister. And I have to say.... It was okay. It wasn't a totally predictable plot and the characters were funny and rather entertaining. Pinkie Pie's older sister, Maud, was completely boring and blank character, but only because that's who she is. Its not like it was a mistake in the writing, but she was written to be boring and blank and that's what made the story. The ending was pretty heart warming with the sisterly love Maud has for her sister put in the limelight. And a surprise twist in the end with Maud revealing that even though she has been trading rock-candy necklaces with Pinkie Pie for years, she never eats them because she doesn't love candy. But, as she so plainly put it, she "loves Pinkie Pie".

Over all it was pretty cute and not quite as stupid as I had previously thought. Its much better than Titanic, I'll give it that.

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

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