Sunday, March 1, 2015

Mythbusters: Introvert Edition

I think it's fair to say that there is something of an introvert craze that is sweeping the internet. I have seen countless articles, posts and whateveryoucallbuzzfeedthingys that support this hypotenuse. (Really just Buzzfeed things, I'm kinda addicted to it.)

Example B: 23 Times Tumblr Told The Truth About Being An Introvert (3, 9, 14 are ridiculously accurate though.)
I could go on....

The point is, introverts are "in." And as a person who VERY much identifies as an introvert, there are a few things that I would like to clear up.

MYTH 1 "Introverts don't like people."

Yeah no. This isn't true at all and in fact it's a pretty rude assumption. Introverts get energy by being alone. They recharge their batteries when sitting in their rooms all alone reading, tumblring, sipping tea, and thinking. This doesn't mean they don't like people! While it's true that some introverts are the kind that just seriously don't like people, in general introverts can be friendly and very good friends because of their sensitive and empathetic disposition.

MYTH 2 "Introverts don't like going to parties and other social events."
demi lovato animated GIF

I, for one, love parties and other social events and it kinda hurts when people plan things and then don't invite me and then I see tons of pictures all over social media and they can't stop talking about it. As hard as it may be for you to understand, sometimes I really can't make it to a party because of other things! I'm not making excuses! There is one thing though, introverts don't tend to go to parties unless there are at least 4 of their friends. If they go to a party where they know like one or two people that means that they are really committed to someone at said party. Or there are going to be cute boys because I mean, c'mon! We are shy, not asexual!

MYTH 3 "Introverts are depressed."

Again this is just completely untrue. Depression isn't a thing that you "develop", its medical issue. It affect extroverts and introverts alike.

MYTH 4 "Introverts always want to be alone."

So this one is true and false. While we like to be alone for long periods of time, this doesn't mean that mean that we like to be alone all the time. I for one, love it when people reach out to spend time with me.

MYTH 5 "Introverts don't like talking."

Sometimes this is true. But again, we just like alone time to recharge, not to completely avoid people. I don't like talking when there are a lot of other people in the conversation because I feel awkward. But get me alone and I can't stop talking.

I hope I've cleared up any myths and misconceptions about introverts.



  1. Great post! This is something that needed to be said.

    Micaela // Note + Rain

  2. I'm so glad you posted these! People misjudge introverts in so many ways.
    -Lauren <3
