Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mythbusters: Extroverts Edition

Because I did an introverts version, I felt like I had to do an extroverts version as well for the equality of the  'troverts.

I have to say, I feel bad for extroverts. Not for actually being extroverts, I kinda wish I was one because it would make going to parties much easier. No, I feel bad because they get a bad rap. Allow me to illustrate....

And if you Google "Extroverts are" some of the results are:

Extroverts are annoying
Extroverts are stupid
Extroverts are idiots

Seems like the stereotypes for both extroverts and introverts are blown out of proportion. I wonder what would happen if we just excepted everyone as who they are and not try to put them in a box....
Pshhhh... That will never happen. I'm an idiot for even thinking of it. Moving on.

Because I am not an extrovert, I Googled "extrovert myths" and asked some close extrovert friends what is the hardest part about being an extrovert.
And the results are in.....

MYTH 1 "Extroverts can't be alone."
Again, extroverts are just people who gain energy from being around other people. This doesn't mean that they can't be alone. Everyone needs to be alone sometimes, the extrovert included. Just because they want to spend time with people and this makes then energetic and happy, doesn't mean that it's physically impossible for them to be alone.

MYTH 2 "All extroverts are outgoing."
Rolling Eyes Animated Gif Rolling Eyes Animated Gif
Again this all boils down to understanding that extroverts feel energetic around people. They are natural performers. This DOESN'T mean that they are always outgoing or even are outgoing at all. You can love being in a crowd without loving talking to the crowd.

MYTH 3 "Extroverts don't have feelings."
HAHAHAHA. No. Go sit in your room and think about what you just said.

MYTH 4 "Extroverts are self absorbed."
I'm sorry...WHAT?
I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't hear this because honestly this shocked me when I was told that this is an actual problem that extroverts have. You WISH you had their confidence in public places.

MYTH 5 "Extroverts need introverts and introverts don't need extroverts."
Extroverts need introverts and introverts need extroverts. We all need each other. Unless you're Batman. Then you don't need anybody. Especially parents. Was that going too far?

MYTH 6 "Extroverts have endless energy when around people."

Everyone needs sleep. Extroverts included.

Well I hope I cleared up some of the extrovert myths. Seriously guys.... Just stop with the whole "assumptions" thing. And as Ellen DeGeneres says, “You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that's how it's spelled."


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