This is my 100th blog post.
Yes I reached 100, the big One, the crowning point of my life, and other fancy names. The fact that it took me like six months to accomplish this tells me I may be blogging to much... BUT ANYWAY. To celebrate my HUGE accomplishment I'm doing a blog post all about....this blog.
There are a lot of inside jokes in this blog. And I refer to a lot of people that you probably don't know. So today I thought I'd clear that up. So here is...
Things You Should Know About My Blog...
When I first decided to do this, I wasn't prepared at all. Whaleton, said, "I have a blog, you should do one!" And there I was, blogging. So the name really came from a period in my life where I felt like everyone and everything was against other words, teenagerhood. People often laugh at it and say stuff like, "Thats dark. Are you really against the world?" "You're just being dramatic." And my response? "Yes I'm being dramatic, because its my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want. So bug off." And sure I get it, its dramatic and deep, dark whatever. But at the same time its true. I'm a girl against the world. So shut up.
You will see a lot of reference to Whaleton. A LOT. Whaleton is my best friend and closest confidant. My partner in crime, my other half, the blonde to my brunette. She is also my cousin who lives 900 miles away and so I see her only a few times a year. We video chat often and we are constantly texting each other, but its still hard to have her so far away. You might ask, "What's with the name Whaleton? Thats not her real name is it?" The answer is no. That is not her real name, its Margot (DON'T FORGET THE "T"), but the name Whaleton comes from two of her favorite things: Whales and Elton John. Link to her blog
My other best friend, Nicolas lives closer to me than Whaleton (thank God) but still about 45 minutes away. So I only see him once a week (if I'm lucky.) He's a terribly intelligent person (I can barely keep up with him sometimes) with a very sarcastic wit. He is wise beyond his years and I think a lot of him has lost all hope in humanity. He can be really sweet and thoughtful and he's the one who is responsible for me turning into a geek. He introduced me to Doctor Who (although at first I didn't really like it) and that gave me the right push I needed to become a full on geek.
Note: Whaleton has a brother named Nicholas (with an H, remember that. There will be a test later.) The cousin-Nicholas is very different from friend-Nicolas. Cousin-Nicholas and I use to fight. A lot. There was blood, sweat and tears. It got physical. Very often. So do not get these two mixed up. Just remember the Nicholas with the H is going to Hell. (I'm obviously joking, Whaleton. Or am I.....)
I don't really mention Quesbo on here a lot because I don't know her as well as I would like. But she is Whaleton's friend and I think she was the one responsible for getting Whaleton to do the blog thing, therefore me as well? (I have been informed that this is true.) Anyway she is absolutely hilarious and her blog is awesome (
Link here.)
My Family
I have five younger siblings, Mary (13), James (11), Peter (8, although Whaleton had to remind me of that fact), Monica (6), Johnny (3) and two parents (Mum and Dad.) And thats about it. Facts to remember: Mary is in love with Thomas Brodie Sangster, James can be the biggest jerk in the world, Peter is...okay I guess...Monica is generally cute, but she can be a demon in disguise, and Johnny is the cutest thing in the whole world and has the longest eyelashes you will ever see.
Mimi is my one of my neighbors and another close friend. We see all movies together and we are huge fangirls. We love all the same stuff and she is the sweetest person you will ever meet.
Lucia and Stella
These are my dogs. They both are German Shepherd and Lab mixes and Lucia is 7 (human years) and Stella is 12 weeks. They are both really sweet dogs even though Lucia is kinda jealous of Stella.
This is Whaleton's dog. And we have a little feud going on that started when he bite my ankles and chewed up my toothbrush and hairbrush. I take no crap from that dog, he bites...he gets smacked. So he doesn't like me very much and I don't like him very much. Though if he died I would be sad (for Whaleton's sake.)
Where I live.
Where Whaleton lives
Rhode Island
Where Whaleton's and my grandparents live. We vacation there a few weeks a year.
Where my grandparents second house is. We also go there as well as Rhode Island.
I think that is it! I might add to this post if more people come into my life, but for now...