Thursday, August 28, 2014


So I have returned from Choir Camp. And what an amazing Choir Camp it was. I made new friends, connected with old friends and was able to see a very close friend for the first time in a year. It was the best week of my life, filled with singing, laughing, great cafeteria food, and inside jokes that I will never forget. I know you probably aren't interested in anything about camp, but this is my blog, so your opinion doesn't count.

A quick intro on people from camp.

Patrick Hanners

Patrick is a guy I meet at camp last year. We have been emailing since and have gotten pretty close. He's just one of those people that you meet and you're like, "I like you. You are a good person." and then you get to know them better and its like, "You are so freaking amazing."

The Clique

The Clique is a group of girls that got really close over the week that we spent together. There are about 25 girls at the camp and the seven of us were the most crazy and hyper-active of the whole lot. I feel bad for all the trouble we caused the counselors....
From the left: Mary Mccan, Australia (real name Estrella, but who can remember that?!?), Faith Copeland, ME, Suzy Zignago, Celestine Genius and the one lying down on our laps is Clare Wanner. Clare is actually a model.... and an actress....AND a dancer....oh and she has the most beautiful soprano voice EVER.

Aaahhhh, Peter Ponticello. Without him the camp would have been half as fun. First of all he has the best last name EVER. Just try saying Ponticello with an Italian accent. ISN'T AMAZING?!? The Clique spent the week running up the echo-y stairs to our dorms, singing PETER PONTICELLLLLLLOOOOOO, to the tune of one of our vocal warm ups. It was glorious. 
Second, he is one of the sweetest boys I have ever met. Absolutely adorable. Always holding the door open for me and holding my books. He also has an amazing smile, it just lights up the room, even though he's a rather quiet person.
Look at how Italian he is!!

There are lots of other people, like Edward Shikles, who has the best facial expressions of anybody I've ever met, and Ashley, the amazing, yet stern counselor. But I'm pretty tired now and I have a ton of emails to respond to, so...

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

Day Thirty of the Blog Challenge.

So I was unable to do the last blog challenge before I left for Camp, so here it is: The Last Blog Challenge.

Your goals for the next thirty days.
Be warned: my goals are kinda boring and cliche.

My goals are:
1- start school and easily get it the flow of things.
2-keep contact with people from camp, especially Faith.
3-Finish the on going prank I'm playing on my family
4-Earn enough money to buy a nice edition of Pride and Prejudice.
5-Meet some friends for coffee.
6-Take over the world. And then the universe.

So yeah, just normal teenage stuff....

A Girl Against the World.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day Twenty Nine of the Blog Challenge.

List ten people, dead or alive, you would invite to dinner. Include the dinner menu.

Agatha Christie.
Audrey Hepburn.
Anne Frank
Ed Sheeran.
Jane Austen.
Jenna Louise Coleman.
John Green.
Matt Smith.
Steve Moffat.
Vincent Van Gogh.


Mozzarella Cheese Sticks

Main Course
Salmon with a cream sauce.
White rice.
Pork Rolls.


Banana's Foster.

Day Twenty Eight of the Blog Challenge

Something you miss.

The Eleventh Doctor.
Short and sweet.

A Girl Against the World.

Day Twenty Seven of the Blog Challenge.

A problem that you have or have had in the past.

I love sleep too much.

A Girl Against the World

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Twenty Six of the Blog Challenge.

If you had $1,000,000 to spend, how would you spend it?

If I really had a million dollars, I would probably do something responsible like put it aside for the future or invest it. But if I had a million to spend on what ever I wanted to I would spend it like such.

 I would do a really good Clara Oswald cosplay for (if) I go to Comic-Con.
"clara oswald" by doctor-who-style on Polyvore
And looking up similar clothing on the internet found me this:
$21 for a red dress.
$880 for a leather jacket (totally worth it)
$7.99 for black tights
$140 for the shoes

Which comes up to $1048.99.

Then I'd also buy new camera. A really good one.
A Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18mp DSLR Camera cost about $550

And an iPhone which is $199.

A 1969 Chevy Camaro which is apparently $2000 according to Ebay.

A trip to London for a month. I'll put aside $40,00 so I'll have a REALLY good time.

A really cool tree house to put all my books.
I have no idea how much that will cost. So lets just say $100,000?

Put aside $10,000 for books.

That's $153798 so far... I still have $846202 left.
A million dollars goes a lot farther than I thought.

OK a $1000 Macbook.
$10,000 for a bunch of Victorian style dresses.
$10,000 for buying random fandom stuff
$2000 for buying every season of every show that I like.
Jetpack for $600
$100,000 for redoing the HIMYM finale. Its completely necessary.

$100,000 for buying a house in London for future use. A really nice house.
$50,000 for opening a book store and cafe in London. Just for fun.
$55,000 for traveling.

That leaves $67602 for a life time supply of Starbucks, Rice Krispy treats, netflix, and cookie dough.
Oh and a cat. Preferably a cat that stays tiny. Like a forever kitten.

Its a good life, Hazel Grace.
A Girl Against the World.

Day Twenty Five of the Blog Challenge

Someone who fascinates you and why.

So I'm guessing no fictional characters... Because if thats the case I have a long list of fictional characters that "fascinate me." And by the way, that's kind weird. "Fascinates you." Sounds stalker-ish or serial killer-ish. Like, "That young woman fascinates me. I'm going abduct her and lock her in my basement." It sounds like Silence of the Lambs. Creepy.

Anyway. Someone who "fascinates me." I'm going to say...everybody. People in general "fascinate me." (I'm really just saying this for lack of a more interesting answer.) But seriously...people are fascinating. Each person is different. They each have their own hopes and dreams, memories of good and bad, tears and smiles, love and hate. Each life is an intricately designed web of moments, some good, some bad, and some amazing. Everyone goes through trials and tribulations to get their fairy tale ending and its too bad fairy tale endings rarely happen. Right now, there are millions, maybe even billions, of lives that are changing. A birth, a death, a proposal, anything. A life can change in an instant. A life can be touched by anyone around them. Everyone has a future, it maybe longer or shorter than someone else's future, but it's a future none the same. They have moments that are unlived, that might be filled with joy or sorrow, love or loneliness, fame or obscurity. So that's why people fascinate me: they are the only mystery worth solving.

A Girl Against the World.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day Twenty Four of the Blog Challenge.

Your favorite movie and what it is about.

Again, how on earth am I supposed to choose one?! There are so many good movies! Alright well if I had to choose....I choose...Avengers. No wait. The Amazing Spider man 1 AND 2. No wait. Pride and Prejudice. Both versions. AHHH WAIT. What about Pitch Perfect and all the Harry Potter movies and The Fault in Our Stars?!?! I CAN'T DO THIS. ITS TOO MUCH PRESSURE.

Okay fine. If I had to choose JUST ONE. I would pick....The Quiet Man.
The Quiet Man has been a family favorite for as long as I can remember.
Its a really great movie that's about an American, Sean Thorton, moving to a little town in Ireland to reconnect with his roots. There he meets a colorful group of characters including the lovely, but feisty, Mary Kate Danaher, her ill tempered older brother, Squire "Red" Will Danaher, Michaeleen Flynn, Father Peter Lonergan and many more. Its a really amazing movie, with romance, comedy, and a really great fight scene.

A Girl Against the World.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Day Twenty something of the Blog Challenge thingy.

Alright I'm getting lazy. I've not been keeping up with my blog. But in my defense I am working my way through House M.D. (which has eight seasons), the third season of Once Upon A Time, and the eighth and last season of Psych. I'm a little busy....
So here we go, day twenty something of the blog challenge thingy.

So it turns out today is the 23rd day and the challenge for that is Post five pictures of famous people you find attractive.

Chester See
Matt Smith

Andrew Garfield
Killian Jones
Ansel Engort

Well that was fun.
Peace out Peeps,

A Girl Against the World.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day Twenty Two of the Blog Challenge.

How have you changed in the past two years?

Tricky question. A better question would be what is your favorite ice cream flavor and why, but unfortunately the blog challenge has deemed to give me a rather boring question that I'm sure no one really wants to hear the answer to.
But because I'm doing this blog thingy and I have to do all of it, I shall try to answer the question with as much brevity as I can muster.

The past two years have been really difficult for me because, among other things, I realized that I am extremely lonely. I rarely see my friends and, as I said before, I'm can be really shy, so its hard for me to call someone up and say "hey lets see a movie together!" I also started high school and there have been other things that have made my life difficult. But because of these "trials and tribulations" I worked hard to over come them. I got good grades in school, I made good habits regarding school, I'm not as shy now, (even thought I still rarely see any of my friends. I blame my parents) and my life has become considerably better. Some of my best memories have come from the past few years and some of my worst. But over all, I think the past two years have made me stronger and helped me figure out who I am.

A Girl Against the World.

Was that sappy enough?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day Twenty One of the Blog Challenge

I'm back!! I had a bacon/maple cupcake (it was surprisingly okay) and now I'm doing more blog challenges because I'm behind.
One of your favorite TV shows.

One? One?! ONE?!?! I cannot simply choose one. Oh no no no. That would be a sacrilege!
So get comfortable peeps, this is going to be a long ride.

1-Doctor Who
I absolutely love Doctor Who. When a friend of mine introduced me to it, I honestly thought it was kinda stupid. I mean the aliens looked totally fake!! But I kept watching because of reasons that I don't remember. And then I fell in love with it. It wasn't Tennnat or Smith who changed my mind, it was Eccleston. I loved the fatherly way he took care of Rose (at least it was fatherly in the beginning), and how he gave you a million and one chance before he blew you up and how sweet he was with everyone. People say that you should skip Eccleston, but if you do you miss out on one of the best Doctors.

Sherlock is amazing, everyone should watch it. Once I converted a friend of mine to the Sherlock and Doctor Who fandoms and he sent me an email thanking me for making him a BBC addict and changing his life. We sent a ton of emails back and forth about how Sherlock could of survived and where the series was going and how evil Moffat is.  That is a testimony to the power of the BBC.

3- Once Upon a Time
I know some people think this show is stupid, but I love fairy tales. I grew up on them and seeing them placed in the modern world with plot twists and cool sword fights and really cute pirates just makes me happy.

4- House M.D.
When I was younger and I saw a episode of House on TV, I would immediately change the channel. It was scary and gross and weird. Now I love it. Its just really cool and Hugh Laurie is one of my favorite actors and now I know a lot of medical terms that make me look cool.

5- How I Met Your Mother.
This is one of the funniest, most amazing and utterly disgusting TV shows of all time. All the characters have the loosest morals and its pretty gross. But its also really funny and by the end of the series you get attached to the characters and their flaws and you want to beat the producers and writers over the head with a base ball bat because of the series finale. I DEMAND A REDO.

There we go. My fav TV shows.
Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

Day Twenty of the Blog Challenge

How important you think education is.

I think education is very important. Without it people are stupid and I can't stand stupid people.

A Girl Against the World.
P.S Sorry for the brevity of this post, but there are cupcakes downstairs that are calling my name.

Day Nineteen of the Blog Challenge.

Biggest regret in life. 

Am I the only person who is slightly uncomfortable with the personal questions of the blog challenge?!
I'm not even really sure what my biggest regret in life is and now I have to dig deep inside and go through a lot of emotions and that sorta stuff to get to the answer!

After much thought and soul digging I have decide that my biggest regret in life was not taking enough chances. I wish I was braver and I wasn't so afraid of making mistakes. I mean, I can't even relax enough to have a conversation with some people because I'm so afraid of saying something stupid! Being shy sucks....

A Girl Against the World.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Fresh Prince of Verona

So I have a friend. Yes, shocker I know. But this particular friend can apparently rap. This is something I never knew. So with out further ado (see what I did there? Knew, ado? Oh never mind....), THE FRESH PRINCE OF VERONA.

So backstory, he wrote this in like ten minutes and then decided to use for a school project. He is very proud of this and I thought I'd spread it around a little...

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day Eighteen of the Blog Challenge

A book you could read over and over again. 

 If you know me well, you know that the answer to this question is impossible. Its just physically impossible. I can't pick, it would be like picking a favorite child or friend (which is actually kinda easy when you think about it, but its the best metaphor I could think of.)

Now that I look back I realize that the question wasn't what is your favorite book, but what is a book you could read over and over again. And the answer to that would be Pride and Prejudice. I love that book, I have read it countless times and I could if I could only have to two books with me on a deserted island, I would pick Pride and Prejudice (and the second would be How To Survive On a Deserted Island For Dummies.) I am actually listening to the one of the movies' score as I write this. Its such an amazing book, its funny, romantic, dramatic, and it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling that almost nothing else gives me. I will always love Mr. Darcy and Lizzie and I've always wanted a Mr. Darcy of my own. I hope that one day my Mr. Darcy will tell me that "I have bewitched him body and soul."

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

YouTube Videos.

Most of us go through life seeing mostly famous YouTube videos, such as Charlie Bit My Finger or, heaven forbid, Justin Bieber's Baby. Sometimes we come across a YouTube channel that we like and we watch a bunch of those videos. Well recently I have spent a good amount of time on YouTube because I have no life. So here are my top ten favorite YouTube Channel/Videos.

1- The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
  The Lizzie Bennet Diaries are the best thing I have seen since the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice. Its all about Lizzie Bennet and her videos diaries documenting part of her life. There are really clever changes to the original story to make in more modern. The characters are perfect and full of life and the end is really cute. I watch all 100 episodes in like 3 days.
2-Chester See
  Chester See is God's gift to women. After my cousin, Whaleton, showed me his videos, I have been obsessed with the handsome, charming and vocally gifted Chester See. He also has some really funny skits.
3-Blimey Cow
 Every Sunday night/Monday morning, I keep reloading the YouTube page to see if Blimey Cow has posted their new video. The things that they talk about are hilarious and relatable and their videos on What Not To Say to Boys/Girls, Five Ways to Make a Girl/Guys day and others like it have some really solid advice.
4-Vlog Brothers
 An essential to every avid YouTuber, the Vlog Brothers are like the pioneers of the YouTube age. All their videos are hilarious and unique (in a good way, not in a "Grandma, this kitten sweater is so...unique" way)
   Meekakitty is really adorable and cute and has a great voice and I HAVE A GIRL CRUSH ON HER OKAY??
6-Break Up Song, Rhett and Link with Meekakitty Watch it now. And laugh. 
7-Wizard Love
  This is a really cute song for all Harry Potter fans.
8-I Glove You
 A Chester See video, this skit is really hilarious although you have to listen kinda closely to the dialog.
9- Eleven and Clara | Unconditionally
10-David Tennant | Moves Like Jagger

So there we go. Now go watch all of these. Now.

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

Friday, August 1, 2014

"Being Your Self"

"Notice the quotations I'm making with my claw hands. That means I "dun't" believe you."
                                                                                               -Bad Cop The Lego Movie
I just had to quote that. Sorry.

So anyway, today you hear a lot about "being your self." Its cool to be yourself now. Ads for clothes now show girls prancing around talking about "their" style and lots of songs and movies (such as The Lego Movie) talk about how you need to be true to your self. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being yourself. Au Contrare mon petite (I think that means "on the contrary, my darling" in French. I really have no idea. HEY WHALETON! What's the French for on the contrary, my darling?) I do think that everyone is different and we should embrace that because thats the only way to be happy. We need to accept and love ourselves and others. But the thing about the "be your self" is that people often do the opposite of it while they're trying to do it.

Its like this.
Its cool to be different. To "be your self." To be someone, that nobody else is. So we try to be someone that no one else is. We change ourselves to be the cool version of ourselves. To "be me" but in a totally cool and fashionable way. For example: me. I am a fangirl, but I tend to make the fangirl part of me bigger than the rest of me so it looks cool and unique. When in reality I'm not just a fangirl. I love old movies and the smell of old books, candles and mothballs. I love baking, especially with people I care about. I love writing and bookstores and rainy days with tea and I hate heights and people you can't trust and Hitler. I get super crazy at nights especially when I've had sugar and in the mornings I'm like a zombie. I get really insecure about all my mistakes in life and I don't take many chances because of them. I don't trust easily. I'm quiet and loud, smart and dumb, scared and brave. I am me and I don't need to change that to be cool for other people. Because, honey, if they like you for the fake you, they don't really like YOU. You are all you need to be in life and I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to improve yourself. Because even the most perfect of us all have plenty of flaws and we should all push ourselves to be the very best us that we can be. But we don't need to embelish the truth.

I had a problem this past year where I hated myself. I didn't like my appearance or my personality or anything. But now I embrace being short, bossy and having a funny nose. Its me and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Peace out peeps
A Girl Against the World.

My Celebrity Crush

Matt Smith
This is Matt Smith. Matt Smith is adorable. Matt Smith used to play the Doctor on TV. Matt Smith is adorable.

When I first saw Matt Smith play the Doctor, I was pretty heartbroken about Tennant leaving, but I thought I would give the new guy a chance. After that first episode, I fell in love with his adorkableness.

Reasons why I love Matt Smith.
1. He has great hair. 
Matt smith just walked into my life today as the Doctor. I'm catching up lol. I didn't know how I was going to feel about him and..................I LOVE HIM
2. He is a really sweet guy.
He loves everyone he works with. Especially Jenna Louise-Coleman.
Take care of Jenna Louise Coleman
3. Bow-ties. Just... bow-ties.

He would be the best birthday gift ever. If he showed up on my doorstep on my birthday and told me "Let's go, Birthday girl. Time for an adventure!"

4. He is totally goofy.

Matt Smith is BATMAN O_O

6. He is totally stylish.
Matt Smith

7. He is over all just....cute.
Matt Smith (Eleven)
Most of my friends know about this COMPLETELY NORMAL crush on Matt Smith, which makes me really worried that if one of them ever meets him then they might say something along the lines of, "I have a CRAZY friend who is totally in love with you. Yeah she says she will one day marry you. Total nutcase."
And then my chances with him are ruined. RUINED, I TELL YOU.

Ah well, #problemsofacrazyfangirl

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.

Day Seventeen of the Blog Challenge.

Highs and lows of the past year.

You know this blog challenge is getting awfully personal....


Well the past year or so has been a real experience for me. Its was sorta my first taste of the real world. I change A LOT in the past year. My life has changed drastically in the school department and I feel like I'm finally growing up and putting my life together. Some of the highs of this year would be: Becoming closer to a dear friend of mine, making new friendships, getting to see Whaleton a lot this year and being able to talk to her often, seeing my little siblings become...not so little, and starting this blog. I really enjoy being able to pour my heart out on here and not have to worry about any of my other friends reading it and judging me. Its like a diary.

Well every year has its lows and I think the biggest one of this year was my mom's miscarriage. It really effect the whole family, we were so excited about the baby and then to hear the news.... It was a rough time for all of us.

So that's that....

Peace out peeps,
A Girl Against the World.