Write fifteen interesting facts about yourself.
I can only think of like two...
Okay...Well...Here I go.
1- I am related to George Washington through marriage and adoption.
2- I was on the news once, for being "kidnapped." (Its a long story. Suffice to say that I wasn't really kidnapped. I was just part of a kidnap experiment.)
3- I am the oldest of six kids.
4- I have met the author Mark Hepburn. And he wrote a book about me. Okay not REALLY. But he wrote a book where the main character has my name. I like to think its about me. I'm delusional. Oh! That should be fact five!
5- I'm delusional.
6- I talk to myself. A LOT. Like ALL THE TIME. And I hold imaginary conversations with people.
7- My name means innocent.Which is very ironic. I'm not innocent at all.
8- Apparently I look like Jenna Louise Coleman. This is according to my friends, who are blind.
9- I have a terrible memory. I often repeat things that I've already said.
10- I have a terrible memory. I often repeat things that I've already said.
11- I'm scared of things that start with an S. Snakes, sharks, spiders, sunburns, soccer, sports, screaming, sadness, school, society, the sea, sexual stuff, solos, smoking, and sailing. Oh and heights, which doesn't start with an S, but I still hate them.
12- When I do the smallest bit of physical exercise, my face gets beet red. When I get a little bit hot, my face gets beet red. When I'm embarrassed, my face gets beet red. My face gets beet red a lot...
13-Music and books are my life.
14- If I take a hot shower and then drink cold water, I get really sleepy.
15- I own over 200 books. Not including school books and a box of random books that I have in the attic.
There we go! I did it! I'm so proud of my self!
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go have some soup.
Wait. Soup starts with S.
Damn it.
POP (Peace Out Peeps),
A Girl Against the World.